Women in Environment 2019 in Review

Women In Environment Members,

Welcome to 2020 and the first of our annual report out messages! This is going to be another exciting year for WIE!  But before we move forward, here’s a look back on the accomplishments and changes in 2019. 

In 2019, the Board conducted a survey of the entire WIE membership.  Based on your feedback and the organization’s goals, WIE has created a Strategic Planning Committee to make improvements and help guide the organization into the future.  In order to share the findings from our survey and let the membership know who we are and what unites us, we have created a 2019 WIE Fact Sheet.  The Fact Sheet is posted to our LinkedIn page, please check it out! We are hoping to make this an annual occurrence, so if you’d like a voice in shaping WIE, please respond to the 2020 survey when it comes out later in the year.

The Board also went through a re-branding and we now have a new WIE logo (see the top of this message for the new logo)!  We will be updating our website, our LinkedIn page, and all of our event invitations and communications with this new logo and color scheme over the next month. This logo is much more compatible with our modern digital communication platforms and we look forward to moving into the next decade of WIE as an organization with this new look!

To wrap-up 2019 - the new Board was voted in during the November 2019 Board meeting and I’d like to welcome the following new Board members:


  • Lindsey Thane with Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt as the Portland Mentoring Committee Chair

  • Rachel Morgan McDermott with AECOM as our Communications Committee Chair

  • Marissa Moeller with Stoel Rives as a Member At Large

Seattle/Puget Sound

  • Jen Moore with Farallon Consulting as a Member At Large

  • Evelyn Ives with Landau Associates as Treasurer

San Francisco Bay Area

  • Carolina Zuri with Integral as the Bay Area Mentoring Committee Chair

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following women who are departing the Board, but will still be vital members of the WIE community:

  • Jessica Brown with the Port of Seattle in Seattle, WA

  • Kathryn Oehlschlager with Downey Brand in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA

  • Laura Kerr with Stoel Rives in Portland, OR

  • Meg Strong with Shannon & Wilson in Seattle, WA

  • Monica Wright with Jacobs in Portland, OR

  • Rachel Morgan with Kennedy Jenks in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Thank you for your service to the organization and we wish you the best as you continue to shape the environmental field into the future!

I hope you all are looking forward to re-connecting with WIE members through or upcoming Spring events in Portland, Puget Sound, and the San Francisco Bay Area.  Be on the lookout for an upcoming WIE event near you and in the meantime, keep in touch through our LinkedIn page and our website.

Christina Merten, WIE President 2020

Christina Merten

Associate Ecologist at Herrera Environmental Consultants.


Portland 2023/2024 Mentoring Program


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